Internet and Computer Use Policy

The Roy and Christine Sturgis Library of Cleveland County is providing access to the Internet/Computers as a means to enhance the information and learning opportunities for the citizens of Cleveland County. The Library Board has established the Internet/Computer Usage policy to ensure appropriate and effective use of this resource. Access to the Internet/Computers is available to all patrons; however, this service may be restricted at any time for use not consistent with the following guidelines.


Any patron who wishes to use the libraries computers is required to sign in before use. If you have a valid library card you will sign in with your library card number. If you don’t have a library card, the person working the front desk will assign a number to you.  If you fail to sign in and a computer is needed you will be the first to be ask to leave. Patrons aged 12 though 17 may use computers for reference and research only unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. Ages 12 and below must have a parent or adult with them at all times while using the library’s computers. All patrons must agree to and sign the library’s computer/internet use policy. Staff reserves the right to monitor use of all computers.

Patrons with a valid library card will be ask to present their card at the front desk so that their account can be checked for any fines or fees. If the patron owes money, they will be denied computer privileges until the fees are paid.

Patrons will not be limited on time unless there is a high demand for the computers. In such case patrons will be limited to one hour and the patron who has been logged on the longest amount of time over an hour will be asked to log off.

NO OBSCENE MATERIAL AND NO CHATROOMS! The Children’s Internet Protection Act will be enforced in the library.

Do not attempt to download any programs to the library computers. This is strictly prohibited. Any allowable programs are already downloaded and installed.

It is the patron’s responsibility to maintain a clean and usable workstation. Hands should be clean. Food and drinks are not permitted near the computers.

Parents/guardians are responsible for maintaining their children’s behavior. Disruptive behavior is not allowed. Children should not be left unattended.

Patrons accessing the Internet are responsible for using discretion in both accessing and evaluating information that is available on the Internet. Information that is available is not filtered, evaluated, approved, monitored, or supervised by Library staff members. Information on the Internet may be erroneous or biased.

Cell phones should be kept on silent, vibrate or low volume. Please step outside or to a private area when talking on phone. Exceptions will be made only if the call is pertinent to your computer usage.

Library staff members may assist patrons in accessing the Internet; however, training in computer usage is the responsibility of the patron.

Black & white copies are $ .25 per page. Color copies are $1.00 per page, even mistakes. Do not click print more than once unless you want more than one copy. If you are not sure how many pages an article is ask a staff member to assist you. Printer is in the back and you can pick up your copies at front desk. No one is allowed in the work area.

If you do not abide by the library’s computer/internet usage policy, the following actions will be taken:

  • 1st Infraction – Verbal  warning.
  • 2nd Infraction – Loss of computer privileges for the following month.
  • 3rd Infraction – Loss of computer privileges for life.

See Arkansas State Code 5-68-205, 5-68-302, and 5-68-502